Because you asked, I'm giving you my contact information.
Okay, nobody asked. And that's why I'm posting it. Because I know you want to ask, but you are too shy. But we've become close over the years. And aside from your cat(s), I know I was the one real human person you could trust to see the world as you see it. So we have a special bond. Not a cat/librarian bond, clearly, but a librarian/librarian relationship which, based on food dependency, are probably identical on some scale.
So if you need to reach me so that I can reassure you that there are no monsters, then use this contact information and write. But the truth is that there are monsters. But I will do my best to make them seem harmless or comical. But really, there are monsters and many of them will rip you inside out.
I've been lucky to get almost no spam at this account so that's why I don't like to give it. But I will use my super-smart internet skills to disguise it from the spambots:
the DAWT effing DAWT librarian ATT G(ee)mail
Yeah. Me so clever. But now I bet you're wondering, "What the fuck's a DAWT?"